Trisha Parks
Trisha Parks is a Porn Star from United States. She was born on October 25, 1993 in Miami, Florida. She was added to our database on October 01, 2015 and she currently has 18 porn movies at 3 Movs. Unfortunately we have no biographical info about Trisha Parks at this moment. We are writing new biographies every day so please check this page later.
- Aliases
- Trisha Parks is a Porn Star from United States. She was born on October 25, 1993 in Miami, Florida. She was added to our database on October 01, 2015 and she currently has 18 porn movies at 3 Movs. Unfortunately we have no biographical info about Trisha P
- Born
- May 16, 1993
- Birth Location
- Miami, Florida, United States
- Measurements
- 34B-24-34
- Height
- 5 feet, 5 inches (166 cm)
- Weight
- 110 lbs (50 kg)
- Eye Color
- Blue
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Nationality
- American
Trisha Parks Comments

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